Gaussian Naive Bayes
Less amout of data is required compared to other descriminative models like Logistic Regression
Data must be independent of one another ideally
Simple representation without oppurtunities of hyperparameter tuning
Not suitable for big datasets
Logistic Regression
Works well with correlated features
There are many ways to regularize such a model so as to to avoid overfitting of data
Unlike SVMs we can easily take in new data for training using online gradient descent
Requires much more data to achieve good accuracies
Support Vector Machines
Kernel Trick: Users can build in expert knowledge about the problem via engineering the kernel
SVMs have regularization parameters to tolerate some errors and avoid over-fitting
SVMs might be more robust even if the training samples have some bais
High computational costs
Users might need to have domain knowledge to use kernel functions
Decision Tree
Decision Trees implicitly perform variable screening or feature selection
Decision Trees requires relatively little effort from users for data preperation
Nonlinear relationships between parameters do not affect tree performance
Decision Trees are extremely sensitive to small pertubations in the training data. A slight change can result in a drastically different tree.
They can easily overfit. Even though this can be prevented by validation methods and pruning ,but a lot of research still needs to done in this area
If two features explain the same thing a decision tree only takes the best of those and neglects the other feature whie many other learning algorithms consider both of them. In such a way a decision tree might not be able to use all the available good features in a data
Ensemble Methods
Ensemble methods average out bais
They help in reducing the variance
They are unlikely to overfit
Difficult to learn correlation between classifiers from different types of learners
Learning time and memory constraints might be high
Learned concept might be difficult to understand
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